Aftercare for your new tattoo

First 2-3 hours

  • Leave bandage on for 2-3 hours and until you are in a safe and clean environment to remove and clean the tattoo.

  • Before cleaning or touching the tattooed area, WASH HANDS thoroughly with soap and warm water.

  • Carefully remove the bandage without force. DO NOT pull bandage upwards. Sometimes excess color will come off on the bandage (this is normal).

  • If it sticks, wet the applied bandage and gently pull off so as not to damage any scabs or dry areas.

  • After removing the bandage, cleanse the area with mild soap and water. Gently rub with fingertips to remove plasma. Do not scrub the tattoo. Pat dry with a clean and dry paper towel.

  • Let the tattoo air dry completely for at least 10 minutes.

  • Apply a thin layer of ointment. We have aftercare available (Aquaphor is also acceptable). Pat any excess ointment with a dry paper towel. Applying too much ointment can cause breakouts.

  • Do not apply a new bandage to the tattoo after the first is removed.


3-5 days

  • Continue to cleanse the tattoo for 3-5 days. Apply ointment 3-4x a day.

  • Do not allow tattoo to become dry. If a scab does form, DO NOT pick it, let it heal on its own.

  • Your tattoo will start to peel about 3-5 days later. At this point, switch to a fragrance free lotion or gentle moisturizer such as Lubriderm, as needed until completely healed.

  • Itching is expected. NEVER pick, scratch or peel it. This may result in loss of color.


  • Tattoos take 3-4 weeks to fully heal.

  • Once healed, regularly moisturize to keep skin soft and color bright

  • Avoid swimming and sun exposure for at least 2 weeks.

  • Sun exposure can damage a tattoo, always use a sun block with strong SPF when outdoors.


  • Vaseline or petroleum jellies

  • Soap with fragrance, moisture beads or scrubs

  • Medicated ointment such as Neosporin

  • Iodine, peroxide, or alchohol-based solutions

Things to look out for

You may experience some slight swelling, redness and discomfort around the site. If any of the following symptoms appear, promptly consult a health care provider:

  • Unusual draining

  • Excessive bleeding

  • Excessive pain or discomfort

  • Excessive swelling, redness, or skin that is hot to touch

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your artist or the tattoo shop:
